Tech Tuesday: Cannabis​ Banking

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Meet Malia Oliver: financial services expert and my colleague at CCG Catalyst Consulting.

With over fifteen years in the financial service industry, Malia has extensive experience in retail operations, consumer lending, mortgage banking and commercial finance. She inspires others through fostering innovation and creativity, as well as leading by example.

In her role as COO at CCG Catalyst, she works with operations, IT and collaborates with consulting and business development teams to develop and implement plans for the operations infrastructure of systems, processes and personnel designated to accommodate her clients' needs.

Malia’s career in banking and finance has led her to regard cybersecurity as the greatest threat facing the industry. One reason why is the growing importance of fintech startups and their increasing custodianship of vital customer data, though established institutions have been victims of breaches in recent years too, from Equifax’s 143 million compromised accounts on down. But as customer data is loosed from a few institutions to many companies, the risks for banks and customers is growing quickly. As Malia notes in her interview, innovation is needed in cybersecurity to keep up with the growing sophistication of bad actors.

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